About us

The origin of our passion for a good piece of fruit or a salad made of the freshest veg probably comes from our childhood. After an evening running and playing under the intense sun of a summer day in Spain, there is no greater pleasure than a cold, sweet and juicy watermelon; a homemade salad made with the freshest vegetables and loads of love; the nicest nectarine, and the list goes on and on! It can probably be said that our love for the nicest fruit and veg is in our blood.

The idea of creating Krifey came from two Spanish boys like that, who then lived in the UK for some years. We were delighted by everything about this lovely island. With the most astonishing landscapes, the greatest culture, and the nicest people, how could one not love the place? Despite this, we have not forgotten our roots. We could not help missing the characteristic taste of some of the products from back home, which for some reason were not as easy to find in the UK, even though many of the fruits and vegetables already came from Spain.

In our business, we are very proud of keeping our love and enthusiasm for the freshest produce. Having the best customer service and making sure our quality is always at its highest is our greatest daily pleasure. Nothing makes us happier than sharing the products we grew up with, and knowing that every kid or adult can have access to the juiciest watermelon, the best salad with the freshest vegetables or the nicest nectarine.

In Krifey we will fight day-to-day to try to get the tastiest produce to every grocery shop in the UK and all around the world so that nobody misses out on what for us was one of the greatest pleasures in life.